Grandpa Bob holding baby Anastina for the first time!
This is a quick and long overdue update to thank all of you for your good wishes, prayers, thoughts and contributions that helped to bring Anastina McKee, Bob's granddaughter, through very difficult times in her early infancy.
Although she still has many health issues and will continue to have special needs, she is doing very well and making progress in her development daily.
Anastina and her parents, Scott & Miira McKee, recently flew from Guam to North Fork where they visited with Grandpa Bob McKee, family & friends. As you can see in the photo above, Grandpa Bob is very happy to hold his now chubby (15 pounds!) granddaughter and see her smile. Well, in this photo, she is more sleepy than smiling, but we did witness a smile or two during her visit with us. The visit was a quick one as her family is on a short visit here in California and then will be returning home to Guam.
We just wanted to give you our thanks and an update on her progress. Anastina's family and friends definitely appreciate your support.
We are proud to be a part of such a caring community.
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